Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Sorry its been so long for a photo but due to weather and school I haven't had a chance to get out. but here is one that I took a few nights ago. I love that there was a rock climber up here when I came up to take some landscape shots. Gotta love perfect timing :D. Hope you enjoy.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Senior Portraits

So I was lucky enough today to get the chance to photograph a good friend of mines Senior photos. Ashley Green has been a joy to have as a friend so taking photos of here was a blast even if we were laughing a lot while doing it. Here is a preview of what I got.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

And school begins.

So my chances of taking photos have lessened now. But that is ok Im going to try to shoot as much as I can and hope to put up something atleast once a week. Lets hope I stick to it.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Foggy night

So i look out the window at 10:30 at night and were swamped with fog couldn't pass up that moment to shoot so I drove over to the lake and took a few shots let me know what you think.